Texas Bluebonnet Writing Project Blog

Friday, November 30, 2007

Why have a blog?

Lee Lefever and the folks at Common Craft are at it again.  Here is their latest video on the why's and have's of blogs.  Check it out (on TeacherTube if it is blocked at school):

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Now SnagIt is free!

Earlier in the week I shared that Camtasia was giving away their older version of screencasting software for free. Now they have added SnagIt to the list of free offerings.

Here is an update from Miguel:
UPDATE: 11/28/2007 - Free Screen Capture program

SnagIt Pro is now giving away retail editions of SnagIt screen capture software for free. Follow these steps to download SnagIt for Free:

1. Get the demo version of SnagIt 7.2.5 via FTP at ftp://ftp.techsmith.com/pub/products/snagit/725/SnagIt.exe
2. Request a SnagIt 7 Software key

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Monday, November 26, 2007

Camtasia for FREE!!

If you have ever wanted to be able to record what you were doing on your computer screen for either archive or playback at another time (think tutorials, review, video, etc), then this is the software you need. Camtasia has long been recognized as the leader in screencasting software. The only downside is that they do not have a Mac version yet, but you never know. I heard rumor it might be in the works.

So, thanks to a post by Miguel Guhlin on this offer, you can go download Camtasia's last version (3.1) for free. Considering the newest version (4.0) runs around $100 or so, this is a great deal. Take advantage of it. It is an awesome tool to use in the classroom.

Download here.
Get your software key here to unlock it.
Check out some tutorials here.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

NCTE 2007 Presentation... The Ecology of Learning a la Web 2.0

Here's the Powerpoint for our NCTE presentation in New York.
