Texas Bluebonnet Writing Project Blog

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Please Add to Directory

As you all know, my hard drive went to that big PC trash bin in the sky. I lost all of my data (yes, I back up my drive but not since I started BWP). If at all possible, would you please post your email information to the staff directory on the Wet Paint Wiki so that I can add each of you to my contacts? Thanks so much.
I do want to keep in contact with all of you. When I get my PC back up and running again I will post my Skype contact information in case anyone wants to ever chat online or have our classes interact.
If you already forgot your wiki log-in information, feel free to leave it as a comment to this post. Thanks.
If someone is willing to make this a faster fix for me she could forward me an email that was sent to everyone in the class and I can grab the addresses off of that. I think most of the addresses were easy to match up to the owners.


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