Texas Bluebonnet Writing Project Blog

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Jeannine's PM presentation: So Just What is Teacher Research

Learning Through Reading and Discussing
Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Learning Outcome: Students will be able to define and describe the elements of teacher research.


Students and teacher will read together: New Horizons in Distance Education: Mapping the Pedagogical Terrain

Students and teacher will analyze this article for the following elements of teacher/action research:

I. Title

II. Author

III. Author's Purpose for Writing

IV. What are the points made in the review of the literature? Do they support the need for the study?

V. Author's Inquiry Question/s

VI. Author's Methodology
A. Who is being studied?
B. Over what length of time?
C. What data is being collected
D. How is it being analyzed
E. Any other interesting or pertinent data

VII. How the author collected information,

VIII. What the Author Discovered or Conclusions/Implications

Guided Practice

Each student will self select one article to read from Writing and Resources from the Teacher Research Collaborative (National Writing Project, 2006)

Students will "discover/uncover" the following information about their article and post it on their blog:

I. Title

II. Author

III. Author's Purpose for Writing

IV. What are the points made in the review of the literature? Do they support the need for the study?

V. Author's Inquiry Question/s

V. Author's Methodology
A. Who is being studied?
B. Over what length of time?
C. What data is being collected
D. How is it being analyzed
E. Any other interesting or pertinent data

VI. How the author collected information,

VII. What the Author Discovered or Conclusions/Implications

Report Back to Class.


To Think About: What project would you like to investigate for your own inquiry? Think about your critical incident? What questions have arisen that you would like to investigate further?

Stay tuned for more about the Literature Review


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