Texas Bluebonnet Writing Project Blog

Friday, September 28, 2007

More Ideas with VoiceThread

Thank you, Miguel Guhlin for your ideas on this. We actually started playing with VoiceThread this summer, and I love having this tool.

Here's Miguel's post:

Digital Storytelling with VoiceThread

Technology Applications:TEKS (TA:TEKS) teachers attending The Power of Comprehension workshop were some of the first teachers to see VoiceThreads, an exciting digital storytelling tool. The power of VoiceThread is that it can be used regardless of what type of computer you have since it is web-based. VoiceThread describes itself in this way:

A VoiceThread allows every child in a class to record audio commentary about the ideas and experiences that are important to them. Whether an event, a project, or a milestone, children can tell their story in their own voice, and then share it with the world.

For teachers, VoiceThreads offer a single vessel to capture and then share all the diverse personalities of an entire class. You will hear the pride and excitement in their voices as the students "publish" their work.A VoiceThread can be managed with little effort, creating an heirloom that can be shared by students, parents, and educators alike.
Read More

In addition to using VoiceThread for digital storytelling, you are able to use it for a variety of purposes. Some of those include (note the links to examples):

There are many more VoiceThreads available online, spanning a variety of media genres including poems, self-portraits, lectures, book reviews, multimedia presentations, and digital stories. Why not add your students

Want to use VoiceThread in your own classroom? Consider these resources to get you started:

The SAISD Office of Instructional Technology Services is happy to work with you and your students. Please feel free to contact Miguel Guhlin at mguhlin@saisd.net or by phone at 210-527-1400.


  • At 10/07/2007 7:14 AM, Blogger Kinderbeanie :) said…

    I love voice-thread and animoto, and have shared these with my campus and other Literacy Coaches...problems--blocked by district and many educators then dismiss them. We have got to help districts become 21-century multimodal schools. How do we do this? What does your district do? Does the lack of this venue for learning constitute equity for all learners? Urban districts have GOT to get on board with technology---we are short-changing our future as a society and the futures of our learners!

  • At 10/07/2007 7:37 AM, Blogger Janelle said…

    VoiceThread is not blocked by DISD---at least it wasn't at the beginning of the year.

    I'm moving into a new position that may help with this on our campus. Wish me luck!

    I think the secret will be working closely with media specialists...I'll be talking as much as I can to Scott for guidance.


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