Texas Bluebonnet Writing Project Blog

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Recap of June 20, 2006

A recap of today’s events: June 20, 2006

We drew what happened the day before which was an interesting way to summarize the events of the previous day.

Next, we wrote a journal response that stemmed from a paint chip panel activity which gave us a reason to write based upon the color we selected.

A point of interest brought up by Janelle is that you can post your writing pieces to the E-Anthology of the National Writing Project Website with pinpointed questions and get specific feedback from reviewers.

Afterwards, we spent the rest of the morning learning about podcasting with Scott Massey (smassey@uta.edu). We also spent some time discussing how we would use blogging in our classrooms. We need to think of what other technology we feel is necessary, such as putting images on our blogs. Scott will be posting the PowerPoint presentation he showed us to the Bluebonnet blog.

After lunch, we spent the afternoon in the library doing research for our literature reviews. A valuable resource provided through the UTA library is RefWorks which allows you to search for references and catalog your information into a bibliographic



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