New Blog for Ed Tech Administrators
Dangerously Irrelevant is a new blog from Dr. Scott McLeod, a professor from the University of Minnesota. This is a little taste from his bio:
I believe in the transformative power of technology and its ability to empower individuals in ways that were unimaginable a mere decade ago. I believe that schools are approaching the point of dangerous irrelevance when it comes to preparing students adequately for their digital futures. The pace of change in schools is too slow and the pace of change in technology is too quick. I am a strong believer in public schools, but we need a new paradigm. My work focuses on the leadership necessary to effectuate this new, transformative paradigm.
I am sure you are wondering why I would post that here since many of us are not administrators. Well, I have always gone about things wanting to know what my co-workers (and bosses) felt about an issue before I even broached them with a new proposal. This is a great way to do that and have some input at the same time. And if I decide to continue on toward my doctorate, it would be in educational technology since that is where we are headed like it or not.
Dr. McLeod brings up some great points such as:
Technology tools for data-driven teachers
Why blog as an administrator? - Part 1(5 part series)
Preparation Programs (higher ed for educational administration programs)
and more. Join the conversation while it is new. I have enjoyed it so far.
technorati tags:dangerously_irrelvant, Scott_McLeod, edtech, educational_technology, blog, administration
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At 9/18/2006 4:24 PM,
Jeannine Hirtle said…
Dangerously irrelevant! I applaud his ability to speak this thought! It's almost like the child from Aesop's Fables that shouts, "The Emperor has no clothes!"
Thank you for sharing this one with us too!
Pete, are you reading this? Janelle? Cobe? Chris?
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