Texas Bluebonnet Writing Project Blog

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Screencasts from HigherEd BlogCon 2006

For additional listening and learning activities on the themes you have been encountering in BWP, I recommend the archives of HigerEdBlogCon 2006, especially those with a "teaching" theme.  This conference took place on-line several months ago, and screencasts of the presentations are available for your viewing/listening.

Among the many fascinating presentations there, James Farmer spoke on learning environments, which I know has been a topic of discussion these past few weeks!

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  • At 6/27/2006 3:41 PM, Blogger Jeannine Hirtle said…

    Fantastic! Thank you Pete!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • At 6/27/2006 6:24 PM, Blogger Janelle said…

    OMG, you know how we all listen to things with our filters. Well, this might have been happening when I heard Farmer's Podcast, but he was saying everything I would love to explore.

    Right on!!....Write on!!

    Thanks so much!

    Pete, I do hope we learn more about del.icio.us
    because I can see how learning about all of this is addictive, and I need a way to organize all my resources.


  • At 6/27/2006 7:36 PM, Blogger Kelly said…

    Very interesting, yes! I totally agree that blogs and discussion boards have different purposes. I can see why blogs are better at creating community, and discussion boards are more for "formal" discussion.

    He is talking about information on a blog coming from "us" IF the blog is the author's... I can see that if you have a blog then you have ownership (as he discusses). Makes perfect sense. Again, different purposes.

    Personal learning environments - interesting discussion! I do love that we have so many tools at our disposal with which to communicate. He offers a lot of creative ideas.

    I think his discussion on aggregators is especially intriguing. I want to see how this is done. I don't have a picture of the organization in my mind. He starts to get into this at 11:05, but it cuts out.

    Jeannine, are you going to have your online students create blogs now instead of webpages? Or in addition to? Lots of creative ideas!


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