Texas Bluebonnet Writing Project Blog

Saturday, February 03, 2007

What an energizing morning!

It was a treat to see so many of you this morning at the conference--it reminded me again what a dedicated, energy-filled group Bluebonnets are!

The talks slides I used this morning are available for download here. Of course, I welcome comments, suggestions, and questions!


  • At 2/06/2007 9:17 PM, Blogger Scott S. Floyd said…

    As always, Pete, I enjoyed your presentation. I wish I were able to work with you more. I know I could learn tons. Your work toward improving teacher prep programs will prove beneficial to tons of children down the road. I know mine are included among them already.

    I look forward to your findings about technology re-energizing burned out teachers. Should make for great reading. I expect the push for more technology will drive some in to retirement.


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